A large load of cannabis was confiscated by police and a suspect was arrested during a crime sweep in the Black Country. According to West Midlands Police, local residents have made numerous complaints about criminal activity in and around Halesowen, so they planned an official day of action in the area, in response to the concerns of the locals.
On the day of action, Thursday, August 27, police searched for weapons, drugs, and other signs of criminal activity. They set up a knife arch near the local bus station in hopes of catching anyone who might be carrying illegal weapons, but luckily no weapons were found on any residents. Drugs were found, however, and one man was arrested during the police action. The 32-year-old man who was arrested was already sought by police because he failed to appear in court to answer for an assault charge that had been filed against him.

Police received some intelligence that cannabis and drug paraphernalia were being stashed at an address in Drews Holloway. Following up on the tip, police found the contraband they were looking for. Police dogs also sniffed people walking by to identify anyone who might be carrying drugs.
In addition to the arrest and drug confiscations, a speedwatch group in Halesowen North also caught 26 speeders.
Sergeant Jenni Griffin, from the Halesowen neighbourhood team, said that criminals are not welcome in the area.
The focus of the day was to tackle the use of drugs, knife crime and further speak with our communities. We want people to feel safe in Halesowen hopefully reassure them we are doing all we can to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, Griffin told Birmingham Live.
Teams from other parts of the police force also participated in this week’s day of action in Halesowen, including Street Watch volunteers, and other partners with the Halesowen BID and National Express.