Aaron Williams of Stelfox Lane, Audenshaw, age 32, (not to be confused with the Salford fugitive of the same name apprehended in Spain in 2019) was arrested on March 18th this year after a wild car chase ensued when police officers spotted him driving in Queen’s Road, Ashton-Under-Lynne, a typically quiet town. Once Williams took off, police officers on the scene called for backup patrol cars in an attempt to bring Willaim’s vehicle to a halt.
At which time, Williams led the police on a very dangerous car pursuit as he attempted to make his way through traffic on Grosey Lane in order to elude being captured by police officers. It was not until after he crashed with at least two other vehicles and nearly overturned his own car upon crashing into a wall that he exited the vehicle and attempted to flee from the police officers on foot. Officers ultimately caught up to him nearby on foot and managed to make an arrest.

Miraculously, no injuries have been reported to have resulted from the incident, although a picture of Willaim’s car was released by officers from Greater Manchester Police’s Tameside division after the recent court hearings. The picture shows Willaim’s car turned sideways against a wall along the shoulder of a road. Incredibly, he was still able to send the police officers on a further chase after escaping the overturned vehicle.
Willaims pleaded guilty in Minshull Street Crown Court on Friday April 16th to dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, leaving the scene of an accident and possession of a Class B controlled drug.
In court, Williams was sentenced to twenty months in jail, he was disqualified from driving for five years and nine months and he was ordered to pay £156 in damages.