Multiple Schools Across UK Put In Lockdown After ‘Threatening Emails’ Received

A series of malicious email threats forced multiple schools across the UK into lockdown today, with Gateshead and Birmingham among the affected areas.

Precautionary Lockdowns Across UK Schools

The security measures were implemented overnight on Thursday, after several primary and secondary schools received threatening emails. Some schools chose to voluntarily go into lockdown while police officers were deployed to provide reassurance.

Northumbria Police confirmed that schools in Gateshead were among those affected. A spokesperson stated:

“Officers are currently in attendance to carry out enquiries and offer reassurance to the public. A decision has been made by some of the schools involved to go into a voluntary lockdown as a precautionary measure.”

Gateshead Schools Receive Threats

Cardinal Hume Catholic School in Beacon Lough was one of the schools placed into lockdown. The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust, which operates the school, sent a message to parents explaining that they had “received a threatening email from an individual” and were implementing restrictions to keep children safe.

By early afternoon, the lockdown was lifted after police determined the emails posed no credible threat. A statement from Gateshead Council reassured parents:

“A number of schools in Gateshead received information via email and took the appropriate safeguarding action as per their procedures. Our colleagues in Northumbria Police have made subsequent enquiries and deemed this not to be a credible threat.”

Birmingham Schools Also Targeted

Several Birmingham schools, including Mere Green Primary School in Sutton Coldfield, also went into lockdown after receiving similar threatening emails.

The school’s alert to parents revealed that the message included a “threat of firearms”, prompting staff to pull down classroom blinds and keep break time indoors.

However, West Midlands Police quickly determined the emails were a hoax and that there was no genuine risk to students. Mere Green Primary reassured parents:

“A number of schools in Sutton Coldfield have received threatening emails, including Mere Green Primary School. Following their investigation, police have confirmed these are hoax emails and there is no threat to schools.”

Authorities Confirm No Ongoing Threat

Both Northumbria Police and West Midlands Police have now confirmed that there is no ongoing risk to schools following today’s incidents.

While the threats caused significant disruption, schools have since resumed normal operations. Authorities continue to investigate the origin of the malicious emails.

This is a developing story, and further updates will follow as more details emerge.

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